Autoidea PowerDrive for Apparel Retailers with Multi Shops & E-Commerce is designed specifically for Apparel Retailers only. The system can be used over the Internet with a centralized database for multi-chain retailers. It's very easy to add & change a style, view stock and buy stock based on style matrix with colour & size. When you scan a barcode, it will save transaction details and deduct stock immediately. Every transaction is recorded with a unique number and can be traced back in many ways. Autoidea PowerDrive is fully integrated with barcode scanners, cash drawers, docket printers, E-Commerce and even security cameras. Autoidea PowerDrive covers Sales, Inventory, Purchasing, Receivable, Payable and Web Page Generation. It can be used in multi-store environment with accurate user access rights control. If a user cannot access a particular menu item or toolbar button, this menu item or toolbar button will be invisible for the user. Furthermore, any elements in any screens can be controlled in many ways, e.g., visible, enabled and read only. The database engine in PowerDrive is very fast. It can easily handle millions of records. If you have any further special requirements, Autoidea PowerDrive can be deeply customized.
We choose OSCommerce as our E-Commerce. You can have a look what it looks
like in You can upload all
product information including pictures from Autoidea PowerDrive to the Web
and download all order data to Autoidea PowerDrive and merge online order
data with offline sales data. That way makes you can view all sales
including offline sales and online sales in Autoidea PowerDrive.
The price covers Autoidea PowerDrive and support & upgrade for Autoidea
PowerDrive, E-Commerce setup with limited customization and one year
E-Commerce support & hosting. If you need more customization for E-Commerce,
additional charge may be applied.